Saroza and Cox publish DEI article in Commonplace

the article cover from the Commonplace website

Cas Saroza and Emily Cox have published an article in Commonplace entitled “What Can Libraries Learn from Campus DEI Goals? Identifying opportunities, values, and community at NC State University.”

The piece describes the Libraries’ methodology to deliver upon the addition of a DEI goal to the university’s 10-year strategic plan adopted in 2021. The Libraries did a quantitative analysis of DEI statements across the university to identify common themes of scholarship, expression, and culture; career resources and development; recruitment and retention; and collaboration. Then, the Libraries discussed the themes with early career, underrepresented faculty from across the disciplines. Moving forward, the Libraries plans to examine how the interview findings connect with equitable practices in scholarly communication to develop a set of actionable recommendations. 

The article was recently featured in the ARL News and is Saroza’s first publication.